

Table of contents

1. Introduction
1.1 Network model
1.2 Prerequisites
2. Installation of the "Sensor" application
3. Operation of the "Sensor" application
3.1 Screen transitions
3.2 Initial screen
3.3 Settings screen
3.3.1 Settings for Sensors
3.3.2 Settings for the SINETStream
3.4 Main screen
3.4.1 Layout of the main screen
3.4.2 Publishing sensor data
4. Set location information of the Android device
5. Operational hints
5.1 Keep broker connection even under poor radio conditions

A.1 Source code
A.2 Known problems

1. Introduction

We implemented an Android application “Sensor”, as a sample usage of the Android SINETStream library and SINETStreamHelper library. The application collects the readout values of the Sensor devices, then send them as a message over the SINETStream. In this document, we briefly describe how to install this application to an Android device, how to setup and operate it.

1.1 Network model

Network model

The “Sensor” application has only Writer functionality. This application uses the SINETStreamHelper library to collect sensor readout values in JSON format. Then the JSON data will be sent to the peer Broker as a SINETStream message.

On the other hand, the back-end system behind the Broker parses the JSON contents and stores it in the database. User can view the plotted sensor data via Web interface.

The “Sensor” application has its own “Settings” screen, and thus user can set configuration parameters such like the Broker connection or the SINETStream behaviors. Once user has set those parameters, the Android SINETStream configuration file will be automatically generated.

1.2 Prerequisites

2. Installation of the “Sensor” application

Currently, the “Sensor” application will be available from the NII managed server, not from Google Play.

Please see the companion document Installation of the sample Android application for details. The procedure is the same for updating the older version.

3. Operation of the “Sensor” application

3.1 Screen transitions

Activity Transition


  1. On the Android home (a), press the icon Sensor to start.
  2. On the splash screen (b), application icon and the copyright holder will be briefly shown. Then the screen transits to the initial one (c).
  3. Pressing the button Settings causes the initial screen (c) transit to the settings screen (d).
  4. Pressing the button BACK causes the settings screen (d) transit to the initial screen (c).
  5. Pressing the button Run causes the initial screen (c) transit to the main screen (e).
  6. Pressing the button BACK causes the main screen (e) transit to the initial screen (c).
  7. Pressing the button BACK causes the initial screen (c) transit to the Android home (a).

In the latter part of this document, each screen layout and operation details will be addressed.

3.2 Initial screen

Launcher Activity

This is the initial screen after application startup.

If the SINETStream configuration file does not yet exist (just like after the fresh installation), or if current configuration does not meet the mandatory conditions, Run button is set disabled (gray out) and a guide message will be shown to let user take actions. In these cases, press the Settings button and fill-in the mandatory SINETStream parameters.

3.3 Settings screen

The settings screen is being split for Sensors and SINETStream, where both of those are hierarchically deployed.

Settings Activity

3.3.1 Settings for Sensors

The sensor readout values from the Android device will be formatted as JSON data, which is defined in the companion document SINETStreamHelper#JSON data format.

As for the DeviceInfo element of the above JSON format, User Info and Location values (both are optional) must be externally specified.

Note that user can set an optional item Interval timer (default value is 10 seconds). Its intention is as follows.

The readout values of active sensor devices will be asynchronously notified by the Android system SensorManager, but those timing differs per sensor types. Some are continuously notified, and others are notified only at the value changes. Therefore, if you activate multiple sensor devices at the same time, you will likely to get frequent notifications.

To suppress the network overload, each sensor readout values are cached in the SINETStreamHelper library as the latest ones. At the certain sampling timing (not shorter than Interval timer), JSON data is generated in the library.

    [SensorA] [SensorB]
       |         :
       |         :       ||               |
       |   ......:.......||...............|..
       |   :          :  ||   :    :      | :
       V   V          V  VV   V    V      V V

   ----o---x----------o--xx---x----o------x-x---------> t
       |<-------->|   |            |
       |    T         |<-------->| |
       V              |    T       |<-------->|
      JSON#1          V            |    T
                     JSON#2        V

The figure showed above depicts the timing relationship of two events.

  1. The notification timing (o/x) from the Android system for sensor readout values (in this case, two sensors A/B)
  2. The timing (o) that JSON data is actually generated

In the first place, the notification timing of each sensor readout values is not periodic.

Assume that a JSON data is generated at “o”, any sensor readout values notified at “x”, which is shorter than “o + T”, are simply cached as the latest value of the sensor type without generating a JSON data.

If the next notification timing is equal or longer than “o + T”, new JSON data is generated by collecting the latest values per sensor type (values at “o” and the last “x”).

   "sensors": [
     { # Sensor A with a scalar value
         "timestamp": "20210101T012312.345+0900",  # Timing 'x'
         "values": 1
     { # Sensor B with vector values
         "timestamp": "20210101T012345.678+0900",  # Timing 'o'
         "values": [

To summarize, the minimum interval of SINETStream messages sent from this “Echo” application to the Broker is restricted by the value “T” (settings item Interval timer).

3.3.2 Settings for the SINETStream

To use the Android SINETStream library, its own SINETStream configuration file must be set properly, so that the user application using the library can connect to the peer Broker.

We provide a GUI-based settings screen for this purpose. On the initial screen, press the Settings button to transit to the settings screen. Before coming back to the initial screen after several settings operations, the SINETStream configuration file will be automatically generated. If there are some configuration changes from the previous settings, the file contents will be updated.

Following items must be set to connect to the Broker. Other items can be left untouched. If so, program default values will be used.

In the case of the Broker shown in this tutorial, above mandatory parameters would look like as follows. Note that actual Broker address must be set according to the running environment.

Service Name Topic Name IP Address (or FQDN) Port Number
service-tutorial-mqtt sensor-data xx.xx.xx.xx 1883

Note that the Topic Name is a string used as a communication channel identifier. User can set any value for it, but in the STEP2 context, beware to exactly set the reserved word “sensor-data” as is. On Broker side, the Topic Name is treated as the filter to pass the received SINETStream message to the back-end system. If the Topic Name does not match with “sensor-data”, received JSON data dos not stored in the database, and thus the graph does not updated.

3.4 Main screen

On the initial screen, press the button Run to transit to the main screen which controls the publishing of sensor readout values.

3.4.1 Layout of the main screen

In the middle of the screen is the list of sensor types, the black belt under the screen is the statistics panel, and the lowermost blue belt is the control panel.

Layout of MainActivity


  1. Sensor status indicator
  2. List of sensor types
    • The list of sensor types implemented on the Android device is displayed.
    • By picking up the desired sensor types, the RUN button on the bottom of the screen is set enabled.
  3. The execution (RUN/STOP) button
    • Disabled at initial status. Enabled if any sensor type is selected.
    • By pressing the RUN button, target sensor devices are activated and start sending the sensor readout values to the Broker.
    • To avoid mishandling, additional operations for pickup or release of sensor types are blocked during RUN state.
    • By pressing the STOP button, all sensor devices are deactivated and user can pickup desired sensor types again.
  4. Statistics information
    • During the RUN state, following statistics values will be updated.
      • The date-time of the last sent
      • The number of sent messages
  5. Statistics reset button
    • Disabled during the RUN state.

3.4.2 Publishing sensor data

The sensor data publishing process are controlled as follows.

Transitions of MainActivity


  1. Pickup desired sensor types (a), then press RUN button to start.
  2. During RUN state (b), statistics information will be updated. Those values remain after pressing the STOP button.
  3. If not in RUN state (c), statistics can be cleared by pressing the reset button.
  4. You can restart while holding the previous statistics information.

4. Set location information of the Android device

User may want to embed the Android device location as a part of JSON data being sent from the “Sensor” application. If the Android device is installed somewhere on a fixed place, user can set the known geographic location (latitude, longitude) of the place manually. And if the device is expected to move around, it is convenient to enable the automatic location update mode.

Please see the companion document TUTORIAL - Automatic update of the device location data for details.

5. Operational hints

5.1 Keep broker connection even under poor radio conditions

As the nature of mobile communication, radio signal conditions change all the time. That is, even after the broker connection has established, message transmission might stalled at some time. Even worse, the broker connection might be closed due to no responses from peer.

As mentioned earlier, the Android SINETStream library uses the MQTT(Eclipse Mosquitto) as a underlying messaging system. Namely, Paho Android Service , which is a MQTT client library for Android. The library features the monitoring of the broker connection status.

When the MQTT client library detects a connection failure, the “Sensor” application immediately aborts the program as the default behavior. However, user can adjust parameters of the MqttConnectOptions so that the MQTT client library try to keep the connection up and running. Please try following measures.

No. Method Expected effects Setting route
1 Enable automatic reconnect If the broker connection has lost, restart connect attempts repeatedly Settings -> MQTT -> MQTT Connect -> Enable Automatic Reconnect
2 Extend the keep alive interval timer Adjust sensitivity against temporary communication link failure Settings -> MQTT -> MQTT Connect -> Keep Alive Interval
3 Extend the connection establishing wait timer Same as above Settings -> MQTT -> MQTT Connect -> Connection Timeout
4 Enable the MQTT message sending queue Allow user to call next send request without waiting for the completion Settings -> MQTT -> MQTT Protocol -> MQTT InFlight -> Enable Max InFlight Messages
5 Expand the slot of the MQTT message sending queue Absorb temporally MQTT message congestions Settings -> MQTT -> MQTT Protocol -> MQTT InFlight -> InFlight

Note that there are some cases that above MqttConnectOptions adjustment does not work.

Note also that once the MQTT message sending queue slot (which has set by No. 4 and 5) has exhausted, following send requests will be ignored. If some slot has reopened afterward, application can issue send requests again.


A.1 Source code

The source code of this application is open and available from GitHub. If you found something wrong, please contact us.

If you need to modify the source code, install the Android development environment Android Studio to your working machine, and load the source code.

A.2 Known problems